@Mimiikan ミミカン


Name: Mimiikan (Mimii)
Pronoun: She/Her
Birthday: 03/24

BYF: My name is Mimiikan & I am a mythical deity ENVtuber. I stream a variety of games on Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday. DFI: I DO NOT tolerate discrimination/slurs (sexism, racism, homophobia, etc). We strive to keep this community a safe/fun place, if these morals don't align with yours please do not follow.

obsession with KBBQ
0 brain cell energy


Mimiikan once lived in a small town which is now modern day Nakajima, Japan. She worked with her mother and grandfather as citrus farmers.
The young girl went out of her way to assist her neighbors as often as she could. Her light and joy is something the whole village looked forward to each day.
One especially harsh year a terrible sickness spread throughout the small town. As quickly as it entered the village it left, and with it the kind soul of Mimiikan.
Hearing the cries of the townsfolk a god took pity on the young girl and her people. The god offered Mimiikan a second chance at life but at a cost.
She happily agreed and was reborn as a deity of fate & fortune hailing from Lyria. Once she returned to her village, nobody recognized her but she was content with aiding
her loved ones even so. A shrine was quickly built for her so that villagers could pray and deliver offerings to Mimiikan in return for good fortune.
As she fulfilled the townsfolks wishes the greater and more frequent they became. As the years and generations passed, the town she loved grew and thus the amount of
request she received. Eventually the humans became frustrated with their deity and demanded she give more as she would become nothing without them. A forgotten deity.
The once overflowing offerings and prayers left at her shrine began to slowly dwindle until completely gone.
Outraged at the betrayal and greediness of humans, the once benevolent deity became spiteful. She began making the townsfolk as wealthy as they desired to their
overwhelming delight, but there was a cost. The deity would no longer take simple prayers or offerings as payment. She was out for revenge. Sight, years of life and most
highly praised, souls, were the only payment the deity would accept. Even to this day you can wish for a glorious fate or an enormous fortune. Just be aware of the payment you
need to offer to her.